• News

    Global Link update

    Global Link update Because of Coronavirus most support services, including education, English, advice and information, and Lunch Drop-ins and meetings have been temprorarily suspended. If you are an asylum seeker or refugee in Lancaster and need help, please call these phone numbers. ALERT! (English) Because of Coronavirus most support…

  • News

    Sharing Learning from the Past with Youth in Europe

    Sharing Learning from the Past with Youth in Europe The Learning from the Past (LFTP) team is delighted to announce that we have been awarded funding from the Erasmus+ KA1 Learning Mobility programme by the Polish National Agency. 'Sharing Learning from the Past in Youth Work' will involve bringing…

  • News

    UK launch of the European ‘Learning from the Past’ map

    UK launch of the European 'Learning from the Past' map Global Link has officially launched our new online community map of Europe which charts histories of peace and internationalism during the interwar years. On Thursday 17 October we launched the map with the 3rd Parbold and Dalton Girl Guide Unit.…