If I have a problem I will contact Global Link first. Any kind of problem I have I will call them to ask them for advice because I am sure that they will help me if they can….

During this year I have been waiting for the home office interview but I have to say that it was not that scary or stressful for me. I feel relaxed during this year because I try to keep myself busy. I can say that 50% of this good feeling is because of Global Link, because of all the things they did for people like me, to keep us busy, to engage us, to encourage us, to go out, to learn, to make this easier, to make us happier…I appreciate for all of them. I can say that waiting for the HO interview this year was not as stressful because of Global Link….

Global Link learned me I am able to do what I need…I mean, through their attitude this year they have taught me that I can be independent. It is very important as an asylum seeker. You will face some circumstances that you have to face by yourself….Getting help is good, is ok, everyone needs to get help. But it’s better if you can do it yourself, like register an appointment, or call to doctor, or anything. It’s better if you can do them yourself without asking help. Your English must be good enough, but the other help from Global Link is [access to] the English classes. The classes are very useful. …. Global Link taught me to be independent. They have learnt me that it is possible. They have made me feel confident enough….

Describing the biggest change in herself due to her involvement with Global Link, Maya says, ‘I used to be racist. Not that kind of racist. I used to judge people based on their nationality. The reason there is no foreign people in my country. It is mostly one or two cultures. But I wanted to tell that I am not racist any more; I don’t judge people anymore based on their nationality. Even their behaviour. If someone is not very friendly, it might be that he or she has problems and you don’t know. It’s not good to judge people. I learnt to be patient with people. I have learnt to communicate with people from other countries and to know about them and their problems.

Global Link act as a global link in my life. It was really a global link. It has learnt me the meaning of being global as a person as a society….now I don’t judge people. I just listen to them and talk to them. I enjoy being with people now without knowing them. I can enjoy having a walk with a girl from a different country. I think I have had lots of change.’