Resources for Sale
On this page you will find information about resources, such as books and teaching materials, which can be used to promote Global Citizenship and other Development Education concepts in the classroom. Some of our resources are on sale and be purchased by contacting us, and some can be downloaded for free
Your Rights, Our Rights

Interactive and illusrated CD-ROM
All young people and adults should know about children’s rights, and in particular about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Young people with learning difficulties have a particular interest in children’s rights, as a rights focussed environment is even more important for them. This interactive CD-ROM contains five units for students including modules for extension and differentiation … read more
Suitable for School Subject(s): Knowledge and understanding of the world, Personal development, Citizenship,
Target Age Group: Keystages 3 and 4
Price: £8.00 (plus £0.75 postage)
Virtual Storyboxes
Seven stories from around the world on CD-Rom
Each CD-Rom will help you re-tell these traditional stories; they contain plenty of ideas on how to make the stories come alive, including pictures, maps and other printable material, a story to re-tell, material to help you make puppets and props to re-tell the story and ideas for activities to develop the themes of the story…read more
Suitable for School Subject(s): Knowledge and understanding of the world, Personal, social and emotional development (Early Years Concepts), Literacy, PSHE, Citizenship, Geography.
Target Age Group: Foundation stage, Reception, Year 1.
Price: £5.00 each (plus £0.75 postage) or £30 for all seven.
Global citizenship for students with SLD – Sustainability
A vivid, hands-on experience, specifically targeted to engage students with SLD. The CD Rom provides a course in sustainable development – focusing on waste, waste reduction and recycling… read more
Suitable for School Subject(s):Citizenship.
Target Age Group:KS4 onwards (some KS3) – accessible for students with some, little, or no written or spoken language.
Price: £6 (plus £0.75 postage)Buy 2 – £10 (plus £1.50 postage)
Global citizenship for students with SLD – Diversity
Through audio-visual presentations, objects to handle and food to taste, your students will meet four real young people. This CD Rom is targeted to students with severe learning difficulties and contains multi-media presentations, lesson plans and worksheets to engage students in learning about diversity in the Uk…read more
Suitable for School Subject(s):Citizenship.
Target Age Group:KS4 onwards (some KS3) – accessible for students with some, little, or no written or spoken language.
Price: £6 (plus £0.75 postage)Buy 2 – £10 (plus £1.50 postage)
How to place your order
To place your order please download and complete an order form. E-mail your completed order form to info[AT] or post to Global Link DEC, YMCA Building, Fleet Square, Lancaster, LANCS, LA1 1EZ.