Global Learning CPD for Teachers

To discuss or book any of these courses please contact Gisela Renolds on 01524 36201 or g.renolds[at]

Shared Ground: A CPD for Schools  on Teaching about Migration

At a time when migration is becoming an increasingly controversial issue, and with anti-racism high on school agendas, this training will help teachers towards a critical understanding of migration through a global learning framework. This training combines adult-level thinking with practical activities for the classroom in a comprehensive approach that is both informative and interactive.

Every Shared Ground Migration CPD includes a range of activities. These all support the learning outcomes which are that you, as a teacher or TA, will:

  • Gain deeper awareness and understanding of the realities and complexities of Migration
  • Have reflected on their own understanding, views and attitudes towards Migration, considering multiple perspectives
  • Have increased confidence to explore attitudes and experiences within their school community and understand how to create open spaces for dialogue and critical thinking
  • Explore a range of effective teaching resources and methodologies to nurture learners’ values, skills and attitudes for understanding, engaging with and acting positively on issues around Migration
  • Have a range of new approaches to support learners to understand global and historical inequality, become more open to difference, identify and challenge racist attitudes and therefore be more able to build relationships based on equity and trust
  • Have critically applied new ideas and approaches within their own school contexts
  • Have gained tools to evaluate teaching methods and the impact they have


Who should take part?
This course is ideal for KS2 and KS3 teachers and TAs.

Course attendance is also welcomed from teaching assistants who have the opportunity to deliver activities to student groups or classes within their job role and responsibilities.

Can I book this training for my school or cluster?
This training is more suitable for participation from whole school groups or clusters. Training courses are capped at 30 participants to maintain quality, rigour and a personal approach. A minimum of 6 attendees is required to book a course.

What is the commitment?
The commitment for Level 2 is 6 hours, for Level 3 is 12 hours.

During Level 3, there is an opportunity for teachers to apply their learning in a small action research task, whereby teachers can explore and test ideas and materials in the classroom and be part of a reflective learning community of their peers and trainers.

The course can be delivered as a series of twilight sessions, and online, to suit the schools’ needs.

Understanding Refugee, Asylum and Migration twilight training for teachers

This twilight course is delivered by our experienced trainers who have first hand experience of working with refugees and asylum seekers. The course can also be co-delivered by a refugee, or used alongside our Escape to Safety exhibition.

  • Twilight course learning outcomes include:
  • Increased ability to teach about refugee, asylum and migration issues as part of the statutory community cohesion duty and how this relates to British Values
  • Understanding of where refugees and asylum seekers are coming from, and reasons for flight
  • Basic understanding of the legal frameworks and the asylum process
  • Understanding of the difference between refugees and asylum seekers
  • Enhanced understanding of the approaches to learning which promote critical literacy and thinking
  • Increased ability to deliver teaching activities relating to refugees and migration with all ages in the classroom

“Good insight into their journey and good to know the support on offer once in Lancaster (Loyne School teacher)”

” It ironed out lots of misconceptions that have been portrayed in the media (Loyne School teacher)”.

” Very informative as it gave me a clearer understanding of the difference between refugees and asylum seekers (Loyne School teacher)”

Other Global Learning Twilight Courses for Teachers


Local History and Global Learning The course will explore ways to develop global learning through local history, focusing on the Pendle Witch Trials, Lancaster Castle and World War 1. Suitable for both primary and secondary schools.
Poverty & Development For both primary and secondary schools, this course increases teachers′ own knowledge of development and poverty.
KS3 English and Global Learning The course enables teachers to think about ‘English’ Language and Literature from a global perspective and the role of the subject in promoting active, global citizens.
KS3 Arts and the Global Dimension The course enables teachers to think about arts education from a global perspective and its role in promoting active, global citizens.
Run your own United Nations Summit

Twilight Course

This course will introduce teachers to the Sustainable Development Goals, and prepare teachers to a tried and tested whole year group practical global learning activity. At the UN Summit simulation pupils adopt international roles (eg countries, NGOs, the media, the United Nations), research their views on the Sustainable Development Goals and then participate in a simulated conference, involving presentations, negotiations and voting.
Introduction to the International School Award Provides a practical introduction to the British Council’s International School Award (ISA) and explores ways the ISA can build on existing school practice, while developing pupils’ global citizenship skills through international school partnerships.
This course will train teachers to deliver an outdoor learning simulation where pupils ‘experience’ what it is like to live on a dollar a day.
Introduction to the Fair Trade School Award This course provides a concise and practical introduction to the Fairtrade Schools Award – what it involves, how to apply and the benefits of the award for teachers and pupils, their school and the wider community.


Feedback from teachers about our courses

′The training was very relevant to our school development and was interactive, interesting and fun.‘

′A very engaging thought provoking session. Great to have both revision and practical ideas and to have time to reflect on our practice.‘

′Really enjoyed the day and learnt a lot from it and gained lots of ideas to put into practice‘

′…. again thought how interesting it was and what a lot I had learned. I know others in the session also believed they gained a lot… hopefully we can all put to good use some of the information and ideas…‘

′It was excellent!‘

′The trainer was very knowledgeable.‘